Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

Fish Facts
Minimum Tank Size
20 gallons
Full Grown Length
3 inches
Reef Compatible
Eats Flake Foods
Made famous by the movie Finding Nemo, their hardiness, small size, and minimal requirements make clownfish one of the most popular families of fish to keep in an aquarium.
Clownfish are almost always peaceful with all other fish in the aquarium except for other clownfish. If introduced at the same time, multiple clownfish may live peacefully alongside each other.
In many cases, clownfish will pair up with an anemone in the tank just like in the movie. Not all clownfish will pair up with all anemones, though, so care must be taken when choosing a working combo. It's also possible that a specific clownfish will choose to simply ignore all anemones. If the fish does choose to live in the anemone, it will rarely venture out more than a foot or two from the anemone that's hosting it.
Clownfish are almost always peaceful with all other fish in the aquarium except for other clownfish. If introduced at the same time, multiple clownfish may live peacefully alongside each other.
In many cases, clownfish will pair up with an anemone in the tank just like in the movie. Not all clownfish will pair up with all anemones, though, so care must be taken when choosing a working combo. It's also possible that a specific clownfish will choose to simply ignore all anemones. If the fish does choose to live in the anemone, it will rarely venture out more than a foot or two from the anemone that's hosting it.