Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima)

Fish Facts
Minimum Tank Size
70 gallons
Full Grown Length
5.5 inches
Reef Compatible
Eats Flake Foods
Dwarf Angelfish are a subset of Angelfish that tend to remain relatively small, especially compared to other Angelfish. They tend to be peaceful with other fish in the tank with the exception of other Angelfish.
While sometimes reef-compatible, many Angelfish species may tend to nip at corals and other small invertebrate. If your tank has a lot of smaller coral frags, it's best to avoid most angelfish altogether.
While sometimes reef-compatible, many Angelfish species may tend to nip at corals and other small invertebrate. If your tank has a lot of smaller coral frags, it's best to avoid most angelfish altogether.