Green Silk Gudgeon Dartfish (Ptereleotris microlepis)

Fish Facts
Minimum Tank Size
30 gallons
Full Grown Length
5 inches
Reef Compatible
Eats Flake Foods
Dartfish are a small, peaceful family of generally colorful fish that look and act a lot like Gobies.
They spend a lot of their time hiding in the rocks and burrowing through the sand, so it's important to provide them both plenty of hiding spots and a couple of inches of sand on the bottom of the tank.
Dartfish are generally peaceful and will not harass other fish in the aquarium. They're known to be strong jumpers, though, so be sure your aquarium has a tight fitting lid.
They spend a lot of their time hiding in the rocks and burrowing through the sand, so it's important to provide them both plenty of hiding spots and a couple of inches of sand on the bottom of the tank.
Dartfish are generally peaceful and will not harass other fish in the aquarium. They're known to be strong jumpers, though, so be sure your aquarium has a tight fitting lid.