Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)

Fish Facts
Minimum Tank Size
180 gallons
Full Grown Length
12 inches
Reef Compatible
Eats Flake Foods
Also known as Surgeonfish, Tangs are generally peaceful and reef-compatible.
Most Tang species grow to be pretty large so a long tank is needed to give them plenty of room to swim.
Tangs are aggressive towards other Tangs so it's best to only keep one species in a tank. They do have a spike on their dorsal fin that they use to protect themselves, but generally speaking they'll remain peaceful with other non-Tang fish.
Most Tang species grow to be pretty large so a long tank is needed to give them plenty of room to swim.
Tangs are aggressive towards other Tangs so it's best to only keep one species in a tank. They do have a spike on their dorsal fin that they use to protect themselves, but generally speaking they'll remain peaceful with other non-Tang fish.